"Following Jesus by living in love, walking by faith, and serving our community."
St. Timothy's parish is host to the Annunciation Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King. This religious order allows the laywomen of the church to make lifetime vows of prayer, service, and evangelism for the advancement of God's Kingdom. One of the most visible, outward manifestations of this vow is the work of the advancement of God's Kingdom. One of the most visible, outward manifestations of this vow is the work of the Daughters to strengthen the spiritual parish life of St. Timothy's. As such, many Daughters have leading roles in many aspects of our parish life, from the Altar Guild and Acolytes to the Samaritan Ministries and Usher's Guild. Many of the Daughters also actively participate in the life of the Diocese and the National Church, serving as delegates to Diocesan and National Conventions, Diocesan and National Councils, and on various Standing Committees.
The emblem of our order is a modified Greek Fleury cross inscribed in Latin with the orders watchword "Magnamiter Crucem Sustine" and motto "FHS." The watchword's English translation means "With heart, mind, and spirit uphold and bear the cross." and the initials of the motto signify the words "For His Sake."
If you are interested in joining our chapter and order please speak with any Daughter in our parish identified by the Greek Fleury cross.
President Merie Robertson
Vice President Jacqueline (Jackie) Bowie
Treasurer Gloria Clanton
Recording Secretary Donna Lewis-Johnson