"Following Jesus by living in love, walking by faith, and serving our community."
Holy Eucharist is the sacrament in which the soul is nourished with spiritual food; through it one receives spiritual sustenance and is renewed in one's life in Christ. A keen Christian leader once remarked that the Eucharist is the repeatable part of Baptism. Jesus commanded this sacrament for the continual remembrance of his life, death and resurrection, until his coming again.
Holy Eucharist also is known as Holy Communion, The Lord's Supper, and the Mass. Bread and Wine are the visible signs of the Eucharist; the Body and Blood of Christ, received by faith, become the inward and spiritual signs of grace. Through the Eucharist, we receive the forgiveness of our sins and strengthen our union with Christ and one another.
Receiving Communion together is a regular part of our worship life. All baptized people who desire a closer relationship with Jesus are invited to come forward to the altar rail. There are three ways to receive the sacrament: the Bread followed by a sip from the common Cup, the Bread only, or take the Bread dipped in the wine from the Cup of intention with arms folded across the chest afterwards or hands intertwined in prayer.