"Following Jesus by living in love, walking by faith, and serving our community."
Holy Baptism is an outward and visible sign of the gift that is God's relationship with us, proclaimed and modeled for us by Jesus. It is one of the two great sacraments of the Gospel and an essential part of our life in Christ, representing full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body, the Church.
Candidates for baptism are presented by a sponsor. In the baptism of a young child, we call the sponsors godparents. Sponsors are already-baptized persons who signify their intention to support them by prayer and example in their Christian life. Godparents take vows on behalf of their candidates, and by their influence and example are expected to see that the children are brought up in the Christian faith and life. We suggest that at least one of the godparents be a family member or close friend with whom you will not lose touch; and that one be an active member of St. Timothy's Church, with whom your child can have a special connection as he or she grows up in this worshiping community.
At St. Timothy's, we hold at least one class for parents and godparents before each scheduled baptism. Then, usually on the day before the baptism is held, we schedule a rehearsal to be attended by parents and godparents together. Even parents who have "done it before" are expected to attend. New parents sometimes learn from those familiar with this experience.
All baptisms at St. Timothy's (except in extreme emergencies) are held on Sunday mornings. They are usually scheduled on major feast days - Pentecost (in May or June) when the Holy Spirit descended on the first disciples, the Sunday after All Saints Day (November 1), the Baptism of Jesus (the first Sunday after the Epiphany, January 6), and the Great Vigil of Easter (usually held in the darkness on Saturday night or early on Easter Day).
To learn more about Baptism, or to sign up for an upcoming class, please contact the church office on (202) 582-7740.